Air conditioners have in their structure different mechanisms that ensure the correct functionality of the device. But for a number of reasons, climate control equipment can fail.

In this article we will describe the most common problems with air conditioners, why they may occur, how to repair the equipment and avoid breakdowns.

The main malfunctions of air conditioners and their causes


Even the simplest, at first glance, in terms of a set of options, air conditioning is a system consisting of a fairly large number of elements. Incorrect use, external influences and other factors can lead to one or another malfunction of the system and, as a result, to its failure. It should be borne in mind that the first thing that a consumer encounters in a current emergency situation is one or another external sign, which can have a number of solutions depending on various nuances. The consumer notices the first signs of a system failure by the changes that occur in the internal module. An important point is the differentiation of the concepts: a faulty air conditioner and an air conditioner that requires maintenance.

The main reasons that lead to the breakdown of the air conditioner

Dirty filter. The main manifestations of the problem can be:

      • disruption of internal air circulation;
      • breakdowns of refrigeration equipment;
      • freezing of copper pipes;
      • excess water leaks.

In order to eliminate the consequences and prevent their occurrence, it may be enough to wash the filters every three weeks.

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Leakage of refrigerant (freon). Unfortunately, it is not possible to be 100% insured against the possibility of such a problem occurring. Even with strict compliance with all the proposed requirements, a freon leak is quite possible. It should be borne in mind that 2-3% (150 g) per year is an acceptable loss rate, compensated by regular refueling, carried out on average 2-3 times a year. If the permissible limits are exceeded, this is an emergency situation that requires an urgent search for qualified help. Often the only sign of an accident may be freezing of the inner surfaces of the copper pipes.

System operation in winter. It is worth considering that most split systems are not designed for active use at temperatures below -5-7 degrees. If the consumer neglects the recommendations regarding the permissible temperature limits at which the use of the air conditioner is allowed, there is a real risk of disruption of the drainage systems and compressor operation. As a result of such a failure, the drainage freezes and water flows inside the room.

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The main signs of air conditioner breakdown

  1. No cooling effect. A problem can be considered when, despite all the settings, the indoor unit works (the blinds are open, the fan rotates), but it does not cool.
  2. Water leaks from the indoor unit.
  3. Total absence of signs of operability (no response to the remote control or other methods of entering the operating mode).
  4. Work breaks. Unexpected shutdowns of the air conditioner that are not related to standby mode or other permitted shutdowns.

Emerging issues and their causes

No cooling. If a similar problem is detected, but the compressor is working, the most likely reason is a lack of refrigerant. The main location of the leak is most often the copper pipe connections. Accumulation of oil and adhering dust may indicate the source of the leak.

The situation can be much more complicated if the compressor does not start.

Causes of the problem:

  1. Problem with starting the start capacitor in the compressor;
  2. The power contacts of the compressor come off;
  3. Malfunction of temperature sensors;
  4. Malfunction of the compressor itself;
  5. Control board failure.
  6. Water leak. If such a situation is not related to the original structural imperfection of the model, it would be advisable to check the drainage system for blockages. The solution to the problem will most likely be a regular cleaning of the system. If after performing the manipulations the problem is not solved, you need to contact specialists for a solution.

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The air conditioner does not turn on. The reasons for this situation can be varied, from the lack of network connection, or dead batteries in the remote control, to more serious ones, which most often include:

  • control panel failure;
  • emergency interruption of interconnection cable communication;
  • internal module control board failure;
  • emergency activation of protection mode (in this case, an error code will be shown on the display). It should be borne in mind that the consumer can only eliminate the first two reasons by himself. In all other cases, specialists must solve the problem. Shorter duty cycle. Spontaneous system shutdowns usually indicate serious problems that require professional repair.

The most common causes of such manifestations are: compressor overheating;

  • control board failure;
  •  external module fan failure;
  • serious contamination of system elements (filters or evaporator).

Poor maintenance of heating or heating functions. Malfunctions of this type are among the most common and occur most often in connection with:

      • refrigerant leaks
      • clogging of filter elements;
      • inverter module or compressor failure;
      • temperature sensor failure;
      • severe contamination of external module fan rotor;
      • faults that have occurred in electrical communication between external and internal units.

Only specialists can determine the specific cause and, moreover, eliminate it. Attempts to solve the problem yourself can make the situation worse.

Strange noise. The main causes of excessive vibration and extraneous noise are usually:

    • deformation (fracture) of the rotor;
    • glaze elements;
    • bearing damage;
    • significant contamination of internal system elements;
    • violation of the connection stability of certain parties;
    • pipe depressurization;
    • malfunction of the control transformer;
    • significant wear and tear of system elements.

Like most of the above, this issue is subject to professional analysis and resolution. Above we have provided options for the most common failures. As you can see, most of them require the intervention of specialists and may involve a number of financial costs associated with the repair and purchase of defective elements. In this regard, it is extremely necessary to pay special attention to preventive measures that can significantly increase the life of the air conditioner and prevent unplanned costs for its repair.

Mobile air conditioner malfunctions.

A mobile air conditioner is a completely complete device that does not require the assembly of parts of the device into a single unit. For a mobile air conditioner to work properly, it must be installed correctly.

  1. Place the air conditioner in a place where it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Insulate the hot air exhaust pipe.
  3. Install a container to collect the condensation or ensure it is drained outside the room.

The first sign of normal operation of the air conditioner is the presence of condensation; if there is no condensation when the air conditioner is running, the compressor is not working. If the air conditioner stops cooling and after 10-15 minutes starts working again, there is a possible malfunction of the compressor overheating and its emergency shutdown by protection.

In the first case, a thorough diagnosis of the air conditioner is required, in the second, it is necessary to install the air conditioner so that it does not overheat; if this does not help, it is necessary to check the air conditioner for current consumption (possibly a short circuit in the compressor windings) or a malfunction of the control board.

Mobile air conditioners do not require refilling with refrigerants, as an exception, this is a leak in the system (factory defect) or a refrigerant leak after 1-2 years of operation.

The air conditioner does not cool the room well.
Possible reasons:
  • The air conditioner is working, but you have previously used the air conditioner at a much lower temperature outside and the power of the air conditioner is simply not enough to cool the room.
  • The air conditioner is broken, the air conditioner may need to be serviced, or something has broken in the air conditioner and the air conditioner needs to be repaired.

How and what to check, additional actions:

  1. The temperature of the air blown from the indoor unit must be between 12-16 °C.
  2. If the air temperature is at the upper limit or higher, it is necessary to perform the maintenance of the air conditioner.
  3. Check if the compressor in the outdoor unit of the air conditioner is working constantly (if not constantly, it is necessary to determine the cause).
  4. Verificați setările aparatului de aer condiționat, temperatura setată și modul de funcționare (modul de răcire rece este activat, nu dezumidificarea uscată sau modul de încălzire la cald).

After performing such a check, you can judge the condition of the air conditioner; of course, to be sure of the functionality of the air conditioner, it is necessary to diagnose the air conditioner by specialists, and maybe the reason is something else and the air conditioner needs to be repaired.

The air conditioner stops after 5-10 minutes of operation.
Possible reasons:
  • reaching the set temperature in the room.
  • The dehumidification mode is set in the settings.
  • overheating of the compressor of the external unit and its shutdown by protection.
  • Air conditioner control panel failure.

In case of incorrect settings, it is necessary to adjust the air conditioner.

Reasons why the compressor can overheat.

The first case:

  1. The radiator of the external unit is clogged with dust and dirt; due to insufficient heat removal by the external unit, the compressor overheats and stops. Este necesar să spălați unitatea exterioară (cu o mașină de spălat cu înaltă presiune) pentru a îndepărta depunerile de praf și murdărie din interiorul fagurelui.
  2. If the air conditioner has been filled with refrigerant, more refrigerant has been charged than necessary, the compressor is overloaded and the balance in the evaporator and condenser circuits is disturbed. Este necesar să măsurați presiunea de funcționare în aparatul de aer condiționat; în caz de presiune excesivă, trebuie să evacuați agentul frigorific.
  3. External unit cooling fan malfunction.
  4. The failure of the capillary tubes in the air conditioner (because the tube has a very small cross-section) with a faulty installation, dirt, moisture and chips can enter the capillary tube when cutting the copper tubes of the freon line. Depanarea implică înlocuirea tubului capilar.
  5. Dryer filter failure, the reason may be similar to that mentioned in the previous paragraph. Depanarea implică înlocuirea filtrului de uscător.
  6. Condensation (water) is leaking from the indoor unit of the air conditioner.
  7. Freon entering the evaporator expands and cools, and moisture from the room air condenses on it. Water flows into the pan of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, and from the pan through the drain pipe it flows outside the room. The drain tube gets clogged (moss grows in it or an insect settles in the tube), this reason occurs in 90% of cases, otherwise the drain is clogged in the pan of the indoor unit of the air conditioner. În primul caz, eliminarea acestui defect nu este dificilă; există o conexiune în apropierea unității interioare (tubul de cauciuc care iese din aparatul de aer condiționat este conectat la un tub de scurgere din plastic), acesta poate fi deconectat și tubul poate fi suflat. .

The second case, you need to remove the pipe and clean it.

  1. The valve on the external unit to which a thin tube is connected freezes.
  2. The ductwork of a split system air conditioner freezes if there is not enough refrigerant in the air conditioning system. The refrigerant entering the tube from the outdoor unit expands not in the evaporator of the indoor unit, but in the tube. This is bad for the air conditioner, the performance of the air conditioner decreases and the compressor wears out faster. The air conditioner needs to be topped up with refrigerant and the sooner the better.
  3. The indoor unit works in the air conditioner, but the air conditioner does not cool.

This malfunction requires the diagnosis of the air conditioner by a specialist, as there can be many reasons. They can be divided into two main categories

The air conditioner does not cool, but the compressor of the outdoor unit works.As a rule, this situation indicates a lack of refrigerant in the system.

and the second category, the air conditioner does not cool and the compressor of the outdoor unit does not work .

Possible reasons
  1. Placa de control a aerului condiționat defectă.
  2. External unit cooling fan malfunction.
  3. Compressor start capacitors are faulty

When the air conditioner is turned on, the circuit breaker is tripped.

This fault indicates a short circuit in the air conditioner circuit and usually occurs when the compressor is stuck or the start capacitors are shorted.

Failure prevention

  1. Regular (at least once a year) preventive checks carried out by specialists before the start of the warm season.
  2. Timely filling of the refrigerant and checking all internal elements of the system.
  3. Cleaning and replacement of filter elements, performed both by specialists and by the consumer himself.
  4. Strict compliance with all system operation rules, especially regarding its use in winter.

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It is worth emphasizing that in order to avoid unnecessary costs and equipment breakdowns, it is better to entrust the installation and maintenance of air conditioners to professionals.

You can find a varied range of air conditioners in the store