Țeavă PPR fiberglass Faser Hot ASG 50 (16m) PN 20 este un tip special de plastic rezistent folosit în diverse moduri utile. Se obține prin combinarea bucățelelor mici de propilen și alte elemente. PPR este remarcabil deoarece este foarte rezistent – poate suporta tracțiunea și impactul fără să se rupă.
PPR is also excellent for chemical resistance. It is not affected by them, which makes it perfect for making pipes that transport water and even chemicals without problems. What is interesting is that PPR is safe for transporting the water we drink and the food we eat. It does not change their taste or smell. Whether it is very hot or very cold, PPR does not change its shape. This makes it extremely useful in home heating systems and building air conditioners.
Țeavă PPR fiberglass Faser Hot ASG 50 (16m) PN 20 de la Termoshop
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